Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall 15 - Week 3 (again)

Another beautiful day in the Fall 15!  That's right, I gotta lose 15 lbs. by December 20th to complete the challenge.  Well, actually 15.4 lbs as I sorta went the wrong direction awhile back! So that means a solid 2 lbs. a week to be in the running. I messed up somewhere on the weeks too so this apparently is week 3 again. 

Start Weight 239.4
Current Weight: 239.8

Pounds to lose: 15.4

In other recent news: I did manage the treadmill again and I've been regularly doing some exercising.  Still a long way from huffing, puffing and truly sweating but at least we're achieving some consistency!  Eating has been going well too. 

We did go Red Lobster last night as feared but I did really good.  I ate a light breakfast, we ate at the restaurant as an early dinner so it was really the only thing I ate all day. Came home full but not stuffed beyond belief.  I weighed myself before the restaurant for the Fall 15 because I knew the salt would be in me big time after it.  So I was up again this morning but not too much and I think it will be back in line by Wednesday Weigh in. 

I'm gaining a bit of focus so I'm just hoping to hold on to it!  :-)


  1. great job on getting exercise. but don't think that just because you aren't falling on the floor about to pass out you aren't exercising. Movement is a good thing no matter the endurance. Keep it up Deb!!

  2. I *LOVE* Red Lobster... but I can rarely contain myself on the rare occasion I get to one, so KUDOS to you for making good choices!

  3. Just move your body. It all counts!

  4. Debbi I'm so proud of you--you are taking steps in the right direction and soon that will show in the scale!

  5. I just found you from the Hot 100 challenge! You can do this and sometimes having a smaller more direct goal is just the key!


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