Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've had a really bad headache all day.  Could have something to do with the 12 kids here today, or the fact that the daycare inspector paid a surprise visit, who knows.  It's over and I'm cold and tired and just want my bed. 

Today's Eats

Ham & Egg Beaters  = 120
Yogurt = 100
Granola Bar = 150
Chicken Chow Mein - 150
1 tbsp. hummus (had to taste as I was making it) = 30
2 BLT Hummus Wraps = 500

Total = 1050 calories
Lots of water but not quite enough.  :-(

1 comment:

  1. Debbi,

    Thank you for everything you put into your weight loss/recipe site! On a different note...I've started doing something very simple but effective...for people who don't have much time...while brushing my teeth, I balance on one leg, alternating every 30 seconds or so, building up stamina! It sounds silly, but I can feel my core getting stronger. I started with 10-15 seconds per leg.

    All the best to you in 2011!!


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