Monday, August 30, 2010

Shame on Me!

Ok, I know, 2 days missed. Saturday I was just up too late and didn't think about it. Yesterday I was just lazy and tired!

I ate so - so all weekend. Certainly not going to lose any weight but there shouldn't be any spikes either. I'm back on track today and doing well. 

Pizza Egg Bagel = 200 calories
Cheez- its = 200 calories
Salad = 350 calories
Vitatop = 100 calories
Cookies = 200 calories
Hamburger = 450 calories

Total calories = 1500 calories

Why I chose the 2 - 100 calorie pack of cookies over the freshly cut watermelon is beyond me.  Pretty high carb day.   Not enough water either. Grrr.

I need to be spot on tomorrow with eating.  Wednesday is the State Fair.  I haven't been there in like 10 years! 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, eat healthy in preparation for pigging out at the fair! Or are you going to eat good that day too? Usually I make exceptions in my eating plan for the fair because I have to at least have a corn dog--I MUST have a corn dog--but this year since I'm on the HCG drops I'll be packing lean protein and veggies and I will not complain! If the drops allow me to finally get to my goal weight, it's totally worth forgoing my beloved corn dog.


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