Sunday, December 12, 2010

Recipe Blog

You may notice that my recipes I'm posting on my other blog don't correspond with the meal that I am eating and tracking here.  Well, I have a huge stockpile of recipes to list.  Like a months worth, at least. I usually post about 4 recipes per week on the other blog and many I've been saving for quite awhile.  So don't think I'm telling you one thing here and actually doing something else.  If you see anything on my food tracking here that sounds good to you, feel free to email me about the recipe. Otherwise you'll see it eventually on my blog next year. 

My meal planning post doesn't always correspond too.  I might plan spaghetti one evening. Well, there is a good chance that the rest of the family will be eating spaghetti and I will be eating a quesadilla, salad or a bean burrito or something. 

Today's Eats:
Yogurt = 100
Salad with chicken and dressing = 250
Costco samples - 200
Chicken fried rice Lean Cuisine = 260
Salad = 120
Granola bar = 125
Apple = 100

Total = 1155 calories
Plenty of water

I basically snacked all day.  This isn't unusual for a Sunday. I slept in and we left for our meeting at 12:30.  Then the family ate at Costco while I shopped. I estimated my samples at 200 calories.  Most were quite healthy samples, soup, turkey, green beans, juice.  Then there were the yummy ones like spinach appetizer, salsa cream cheese appetizer, chips and hummus.  They were pretty mini so I am confident they weren't too caloric.  Then we came home and I just kinda munched my way through dinner.  Stayed within calories and drank plenty of water.


  1. This looks good and easy...a great combination.

  2. Nice Post: I visited your recipe blog that's so nice recipe.Southwest potato hash, it's my favourite dish. Keep it up.


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