Sunday, October 30, 2011

Challenge Week 7

Don't worry, my lack of posting my food doesn't mean failure.  My schedule was odd this week and I didn't have to get up as early and by the time I got up, everyone was up and no time for morning blogging. 

I planned and sorta kinda stuck to the plan this week.  There was this chip incident that we won't talk about.  I maintained the gluten free thing but may have had a similar reactions to soy. Not sure yet, still trying to figure out these allergies and intolerance's still. 

I'm going to make this brief as I'm tired and want to go to bed.  Plus, I cut my finger on a cheese grater and it hurts to type. 

Weight is about the same.  Planning is still good.  Water is much better than last week.  I'm still reading and learning about the whole wheat free thing. Exercise is going good too.  Running was more difficult this week but I'm still giving it my all.

Finger hurts. Stop typing. 


  1. Every time I come to your blog, I get hungry seeing all the delicious food. :) Like me, you´re staying the same, but I think a week of maintaining is good too.
    Hope you have a good next week!

  2. Good for you! I hope your finger gets better!

  3. Maintaining is great, a marvelous skill that needs to be developed so that when you get to the weight you want to be, you can stay there!

  4. Keep working at it....hopefully you will learn what is giving you the problem and can avoid it. Hope you have a good week.

  5. Good luck this week. You can do this Debbi. Take care and God Bless!!

  6. Sorry to hear about your finger. I hope it heals w/o incident.

  7. Have a good week. :) Be blessed.

  8. I'm so proud of you for running. I met two people last week who said they only run/go to the gym so they can eat whatever they want. Ah, the innocence of youth...


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