Chips are probably my favorite thing to eat and also my biggest weakness. I can't buy big bags of chips or I will eat them. A lot of them. I know this about myself. So when I went to a Pampered Chef party and found a chip maker for the microwave, I was thrilled. I made them for lunch for the kids today and everyone loved them. They crisped up wonderfully and tasted awesome. I then made a batch of sweet potato chips for me. They browned a little funny but tasted SOOOOO good! I am a huge sweet potato fan! So happy I can have chips again!
Breakfast: Body by Vi shake with pistachip
Snack - Homemade sweet potato chips, yogurt
Lunch - Body by Vi shake
Snack - 1 leftover tortilla chicken nugget
Dinner - Asian Broccoli Slaw Turkey Wraps
Chips are definitely my weakness too!