Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 6 of 120

I got to wear one of my favorite skirts again!  Woo hoo!  When I got down in weight, I obviously had to buy a bunch of new clothes. One of my favorites was this black and white skirt.  Usually everything I wear is elastic waist.  That way it can give 20 lbs. plus or minus.  Well, this skirt wasn't an elastic waist, it has a little give in the back but it basically fits, or it doesn't fit.  Well, when I got back in the 240's, It didn't fit. When I was in the 230's. It didn't fit.  Well people, it fit today! 

We went to a religious assembly today and it was my goal for the last couple of months, to wear this skirt. And I did. It felt great.  The assembly goes on tomorrow as well and I'm planning to wear another skirt that used to be a wee bit too tight.  By the way, the assembly is awesome and incredibly spiritually uplifting!  There really are so many comparisons for the temptations for losing weight and the temptations of the world.  Both have the potential to be very powerful and life altering if you succumb to them.

Tonight I let the family bring home pizza and I made my own food.  Tomorrow night we're planning to go out to dinner with some friends.  I will probably let them decide where to go and I am SOOOO hoping that they don't want to go to the buffet.  I'd love a nice simple restaurant where I can order a nice salad!  We don't go out to eat too often anymore so the kids are excited. Me, I'm looking forward to the company more than the food.  

Breakfast = 180
Lunch = 460
Dinner = 450
Snack = 50
Total = 1140 calories


  1. Congrats on the NSV. I love fitting into clothes that I didn't think I would be able to wear. :)

  2. That's awesome!!!! I have an outfit I wore when my husband and I were dating that I'd love to get back into. That's my goal :) Can't wait for our assembly, it's not until the spring for us though.

  3. Woo Hoo!!!! Congratulations on the NSV!!!

  4. Post a picture of your cute skirts :)


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